Red Raider Foundation, Texas Tech University, South End Zone Project
- Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
- Texas Tech University
Disciplines Provided
This project involved Quality Level A work on existing utilities in the south end zone for Texas Tech University’s Jones AT&T Stadium. The goal was to identify the depth to the top of the utilities to plan for a new building that will be constructed.
CobbFendley performed Quality Level A SUE services for thirteen buried utilities on 6th Street, between University Avenue and Red Raider Boulevard.
Why it is special headline
This project was unique because almost all the test hole locations required core drilling. The cores passed through very thick layers of concrete, which made coring these locations difficult. CobbFendley’s crew, despite the difficulty, did everything possible to ensure the work was completed, the concrete cores were put back in place, and there were no hazards (someone tripping on these cores or having an accident while riding a bike or skateboard through this area). Crews from Frisco and Houston worked jointly on this project.
CobbFendley was able to complete fourteen test holes for the client and identified the depths of all utilities, whether on the actual utility or the concrete cap on the utility. The deepest test hole was approximately nine feet deep. All the test holes were surveyed and a deliverable was completed and given to the client.