Intel Fab 6 Pipeline Expansion
- Chandler, Arizona
- Air Products & Chemicals Inc.
Disciplines Provided
Air Products, in conjunction with the City of Chandler, is placing a new 16-inch Nitrogen pipeline form the Air Products plant at Frye Road and Price Road to the Intel Chandler Campus at Chandler Boulevard and Rural Road, via Price Road, Chandler Boulevard, and Rural Road. CobbFendley was chosen for this project to perform SUE Quality Level A test holes to positively identify existing utilities in conflict with the proposed alignment.
Coordination challenges involving the City of Chandler, ADOT, and the Chandler Fashion Center Mall were handled by CobbFendley’s experienced project management team well ahead of crews hitting the ground. The main strategy implemented was to schedule half of the test holes to be done at night, avoiding peak traffic times for the mall.
While reviewing the pothole request and inspecting the site, CobbFendley crews discovered surface evidence of an underground MCI fiber optic facility in direct conflict with the existing running line that was not represented on the current pothole plans. After immediately communicating this to the client, the CobbFendley team was asked to perform two test holes to confirm both the horizontal and vertical location of this previously undocumented facility. With this new information, Air Products’ design team was able to shift the proposed running line, likely avoiding much more complicated and costly adjustments during the construction phase of the project.