Almeda Utility Bridge
- Houston, Texas
- Confidential Client
Disciplines Provided
CobbFendley provided design services for the relocation of approximately 400 feet of 16-inch high pressure steel main and approximately 400 feet of 4-inch intermediate pressure steel main attached to a roadway bridge over a drainage channel in Houston, Texas. The gas mains conflicted with plans to demolish and rebuild the roadway bridge, so the lines were relocated. There was insufficient space within the City right-of-way to horizontal directional drill (HDD) underneath the channel, so the client opted to build a pipeline bridge over the channel with walkways for leak surveys and maintenance.
CobbFendley’s Transportation team designed the pipeline bridge, and the Pipeline team handled the RFQ process for the fabrication and installation of the concrete bridge columns and steel bridge girders. CobbFendley assisted the client in procuring tie-in fittings and hot-tapping services for the 16-inch pipeline. We also group reviewed the reimbursement agreement between the client and Harris County Flood Control District. A reimbursement package was drafted and submitted to Harris County Flood Control District to request reimbursement to the client after the relocation work was completed.