Southeast Sewer Expansion
- Sachse, Texas
- City of Sachse, Texas
Disciplines Provided
This sewer expansion project included a 6.5 MGD (4500 GPM) submersible pump lift station, 12,500 linear feet of 30-inch wastewater interceptor, 11,000 linear feet of 20-inch force main, and 8,000 linear feet of small diameter wastewater collection. The interceptor will add sanitary sewer service to a portion of the city that is not currently served by a wastewater collection system and will decommission an existing lift station. The new lift station will serve the commercial development corridor in the southern portion of the City along the President George Bush Turnpike (PGBT). The force main will deliver wastewater to the City of Garland for treatment. This project required coordination with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, as well as a detailed environmental study for delineation of Waters of the United States in order to minimize environmental impact during construction. The project is designed for construction to proceed under the constraints of USACE Nationwide Permit 12.