
  • Whatcom County, Washington


  • Port of Bellingham

Disciplines Provided

CobbFendley collaborated with the Port of Bellingham to deliver professional engineering and design services for the Whatcom County Rural Broadband FTTP project. This project is situated in Whatcom County, just to the north of Lynden, and encompasses approximately 45 miles, providing broadband access to approximately 450 households. Below is a concise overview of the services we provided:

  • High-Level Route Analysis and Planning: CobbFendley conducted a high level analysis of the project’s route, providing the most efficient, feasible, path for the broadband infrastructure. This includes reviewing any upcoming Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) projects and taking them into consideration to avoid future relocations.
  • Pole Data Collection and Joint Pole Database Applications: The CobbFendley team actively collected data regarding existing utility poles and coordinating with relevant stakeholders to provide a seamless integration of the fiber infrastructure. CobbFendley also submitted applications for joint pole databases with the utilities for their review and approval for the proposed design.
  • Complete Engineering Design for Overhead and Underground Fiber: CobbFendley was responsible for the detailed engineering design, encompassing both overhead and underground fiber installation. This includes designing the infrastructure to meet technical specifications, client requirement, and safety standards.
  • Permit Application Submissions: CobbFendley was responsible for obtaining permits for the project, liaising with various authorities, including Whatcom County, WSDOT, BNSF, and the City of Lynden. The goal was to meet all regulatory requirements in a timely manner to expedite the project’s completion.