Road Bond Program Safety Projects
- Hays County, Texas
- Hays County
Winters Mill Parkway Intersection Improvements: CobbFendley was responsible for the improvements at the intersections of Winters Mill Parkway with RM 12 and RM 3237. Intersection improvements included traffic analysis, PS&E for addition of right-turn lanes and drainage improvements, survey, metes and bounds descriptions, and bid and ✓ Surveying
construction phase services. CobbFendley conducted a traffic study to review and analyze the roadway geometry of the intersections, evaluated traffic volumes with Synchro through the intersection, and performed a turning path analysis using AutoTURN to account for the large volume of tractor trailers that use the road as an alternate route. Several alternative preliminary intersection design options were analyzed for consideration and a turn lane analysis was completed on the intersections. In addition, coordination with a new planned school at the intersection of RM 12 with Winters Mill Parkway was incorporated into the traffic analysis.
Recommendations from the study were presented to the County and TxDOT for approval and CobbFendley proceeded with design. The recommendations for RM 12 and Winters Mill Parkway are to flatten the turn radii to improve right turn movements. Right and left turn lanes were not warranted as the County initially assumed, ultimately saving the County money in construction. Drainage improvements, intersection improvements (mill and overlay and signage and striping), and traffic signal design for construction are included in the design.
Recommendations for RM 3237 and Winters Mill Parkway include the addition of 1,700 linear feet of right turn lanes on RM 3237 and 965 linear feet of right turn lane on Winters Mill Parkway. CobbFendley is designing a new signal at RM 3237 and Winters Mill Parkway, which includes a new controller and cabinet, new poles and mast arms, signal heads, and advanced flashing beacons. A signal warrant analysis was performed and determined that a signal would be warranted in 2019. The alignment of Winters Mill Parkway was shifted slightly to allow the additional turn lane to be constructed within the limits of an existing culvert, eliminating a costly major culvert expansion.
SH 80 Intersection Improvements: CobbFendley provided roadway schematics, roadway and drainage PS&E, traffic analysis and control, signal design, signage and pavement markings, specifications, cost estimates, utility coordination, SUE, and bid and construction phase services for approximately 1-mile of SH 80 roadway rehabilitation and turn lane improvements. These improvements consisted of milling, resurfacing, and restriping to provide lane balance, existing roadway widening to include a continuous left-turn lane, traffic signal design, storm sewer analysis and design, driveway modifications, signage, and pavement markings. This project was developed in coordination with TxDOT procedures and project development manual guidelines, and included CAMPO funding.
The relative flatness in the topography of the area brought up drainage challenges for the project. CobbFendley came up with a creative drainage design that included the use of reinforced concrete arch pipes to provide a safe and effective solution to the flooding that occurs in the area.
Additionally, a traffic study was done in conjunction with this project to assess the operations of the corridor and the proposed corridor improvements. The safety of the corridor was analyzed to determine possible modifications to reduce collisions on the corridor.