
  • Pearland, Texas


  • City of Pearland

CobbFendley provided civil/site design services for a proposed 16,000-18,000 square foot fire station, which will house two-4 person engine crews, one-4 person ladder crew and one-2 person ambulance crew. The station will include dorm rooms, restrooms with showers, a kitchen/dining area, a day room, a Captain’s office and Lieutenant’s office, an EMS decontamination area and an exercise room along with storage areas for bunker gear, medical supplies. The facility will be constructed to 140 mph 3 second gust wind standards and feature four 80 foot deep drive through equipment bays and adequate parking for full staffing for 24/7 operations.

CobbFendley is responsible for survey, site civil/drainage design, signal design, TxDOT driveway permitting and limited construction administration. Our team designed the traffic control measures requested by the City to meet TxDOT standards and allow for safe exit of the fire station during an emergency. Additionally, CobbFendley attended all necessary meetings with the Owner and the architect regarding site requirements and other related items.