
  • Grand Prairie, Texas


  • City of Grand Prairie

CobbFendley was selected for the design of a large erosion mitigation project involving the removal of deteriorated concrete slope protection, failed sidewalk, and a portion of a street where storm water from a broken pipe had caused massive scour under the sidewalk and pavement, nearly causing collapse of the sidewalk. CobbFendley designed a concrete retaining wall and replacement of the storm drain pipe, removal and replacement of a portion of the Cross Creek Circle pavement, installation of a pedestrian guardrail along the roadway adjacent to the retaining wall, and concrete and grouted rock riprap to mitigate erosion along the creek banks. All this was designed and constructed to allow residents complete access to their homes during the reconstruction process. Where there was no pedestrian protection before, there is now a TxDOT standard guardrail to keep children and adults away from the edge of the channel slope.

CobbFendley’s survey team provided topographic surveying services for the existing aboveground topographic features, storm and sanitary sewers, water lines, and paving. Survey deliverables enabled the design team to design a more effective and safe pedestrian walkway, which borders a deep creek. The team also researched the property records to find the current owners and obtain copies of the latest deeds and subdivision plats to accurately survey, calculate, and plot the existing right of way lines and property lines as requested by the client.