
  • El Paso County, Texas


  • El Paso Water Utilities

Disciplines Provided

CobbFendley provided the services required for the acquisition of easements for an 81-mile pipeline from east El Paso in El Paso County. The pipeline, once constructed, will carry water from Dell City to Clint, Texas. Our efforts included land surveying and acquisition of impacted parcels for three segments of water pipeline, GIS mapping, and preparation of a due diligence report for 103 previously acquired easements, as well as project management. Our team identified and established ownership and right of entry for 272 individual parcels impacted by the proposed pipeline, and created and maintained a database detailing the attributes of each individual parcel including ownership, deed history, legal description, parent tract identification, title research, and tax information. Using the established ownership information, CobbFendley provided acquisition services for 167 parcels and land rights for 3 segments of water pipeline. To support acquisition efforts, our survey team prepared an existing property line base map from all parcels affected by the new waterline easement based on deed/plat research and on-the-ground boundary ties. A parcel plat and legal description was prepared for each of the easement locations as well as right-of-way maps for the entire corridor. Our ability to form a single team capable of delivering GIS, survey, and acquisition services allowed us to immediately allocate internal staff and resources to address and resolve project challenges, and streamline communication both internally and with the client.