City Engineering Services
- Morgan’s Point Resort, Texas
- City of Morgan’s Point Resort
CobbFendley is currently providing City Engineering services to the City of Morgan’s Point Resort for street, drainage, and water / wastewater projects. Our engineering and surveying teams are actively providing design, bid, and construction phase services for several projects, including the following:
Elevated Storage Tank No. 1 (EST1) Emergency Generator. Design, bid and construction phase services for the addition of a new emergency power generator at the site of the existing EST1. Design included finding a location on a congested site to accommodate the 225-kilowatt (kW) emergency standby diesel generator contract change order requests, and monthly pay applications, and performing a final walkthrough to prepare as-built record drawings.
Elevated Storage Tank No. 2 (EST2) Ground Storage Tank (GST), Pump Station, and Emergency Generator. Design, bid and construction phase services for the addition of a new 250,000-gallon bolted steel GST, 1,500 gallons per minute (GPM) pump station, new chemical injection vault, and a new emergency power generator with a split fuel tank system at the site of the City’s existing EST2. Design included site planning to accommodate the existing yard piping, control valves, and EST at the site. The new GST will take flow from the system and pump through the new pump station to the EST to maintain pressure needs and provide more stability in the distribution system. CobbFendley coordinated closely with the City to site the GST to accommodate future potential expansions, provide a stub-out for a potential future water supply well, and incorporate design developments and input from the City based upon past experiences. The yard piping includes rerouting the existing 14-inch DIP to provide revised operations on site. The pump station includes a building design to accommodate three 1,500 GPM, 75 horsepower (HP) pumps, two chemical storage rooms, and the motor control center. The design also included a 300-kW emergency generator with a sound attenuated enclosure and a split fuel tank. Extensive coordination with the emergency services department, who share the site, occurred to determine a location for the generator and fuel storage tank that will accommodate the pump station generator, as well as the fleet, for refueling. Finally, rehabilitation of the existing EST was included within the contract documents. 3D survey imagery was obtained to detail the existing elevated water storage tank.
Due to challenging lead times with the generators, CobbFendley developed innovative contract language to allow for Contractor efficiencies with two substantial completion dates and one mobilization charge to help keep Contractor contingency costs down. This approach was successful for the EST1 generator.
For the EST2 GST and pump station, CobbFendley worked with the City on structuring the bid package for multiple needs (a GST, pump station, tank rehabilitation, and emergency generator) to maximize the efficiency of the Contractor and reduce construction costs. CobbFendley provided bid and construction phase services including preparing the procurement advertisement, managing the bid process through online forums (e.g. CivCast), answering potential bidder’s questions, facilitating the execution of the construction contract, site visits, responding to RFIs, reviewing submittals, change order requests, and monthly pay applications, and performing a final walkthrough to prepare as-built record drawings.