
  • San Antonio, Texas


  • San Antonio Water System (SAWS),

CobbFendley provided design of the replacement and rehabilitation of approximately 4,876 linear feet of sewer line and associated manholes as part of SAWS SSORP initiative. The project consisted of the design of approximately 4,576 linear feet of 8-, 10-, and 18-inch sewer line replacement by CIPP method and 300 linear feet of 8-inch of sewer line rehabilitation by open cut method. The project consisted of 12 sites predominantly under major roadways within the SAWS East and West basins. PS&E was completed to SAWS standards and in accordance with CoSA, TxDOT, and multiple utility companies within the project site locations. Of the approximately 4,876 linear feet of total sewer line included in the project, only 300 linear feet were replaced by open cut method. Our team performed SUE to accurately map existing utilities and avoid potential clashes during construction. CobbFendley worked closely with SAWS to minimize impacts on the surrounding community by identifying potential construction issues, verifying alternate bypass routes, and evaluating the suitability of the CIPP method of rehabilitation at many of the sites that were originally identified for open cut or pipe burst replacement methods. The upgraded sewer infrastructure resulted in improved infrastructure and reduced risk of sewer system overflows.