Bishop Street Improvements
- San Marcos, Texas
- City of San Marcos
CobbFendley is performing the drainage study, and designing street reconstruction and utility relocation improvements to Bishop Street. These improvements will address local flooding in the Historic District and provide upgrades to 3,800 linear feet of water, sanitary sewer, drainage, street, and sidewalk facilities.
Currently, a large drainage area drains to an existing undersized drainage channel that overtops in heavy rainfall events, leading to flooding in many homes downstream. CobbFendley performed 1D/2D XP-SWMM analysis to determine locations of overflow to help to alleviate the overland flooding and convey into pipes to the outfall at Purgatory Creek. A 7- by 8-foot box culvert will be constructed in the congested ROW to alleviate the flooding.
CobbFendley prepared a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) to analyze four alternatives for the storm sewer and their impacts to the existing drainage, existing water and sanitary sewer, traffic, environmental, constructability, and cost. This evaluation provided the City of San Marcos with a broader view of how all the components of the area work together to assist the City in making the optimal decision to accomplish the goals going forward. The project includes roadway design, innovative intersections for traffic calming, drainage design, water and sanitary sewer design, storm sewer design, traffic control plans, illumination, surveying, easement metes and bounds, right-of-way acquisition, environmental, geotechnical, construction phasing and scheduling, specifications, and estimate. CobbFendley also performed a schematic level overhead utility removal design and cost estimate to potentially relocate SMEU and three telecommunication providers facilities within the project limits.