CR 404 Utility Relocations
- Hutto, Texas
- City of Hutto
CobbFendley led the design, bid, and construction phase services for the installation ofapproximately 15,000 linear feet of 24-inch HDPE water line to replace 7,800 linear feetof an existing 18-inch ductile iron and PVC water line that conflicted with a high-profiledeveloper’s property acquisition in Taylor, Texas. The installation included two pressuretaps onto the existing water line to maintain water flow. Due to the time-sensitive natureof the property acquisition, CobbFendley provided a 100% design in just two weeks.
CobbFendley led the design of the relocations, preparing schematics, performing quantity take-offs and cost estimation, writing special provisions to standard technical specifications, as well as special specifications with regard to HDPE pipe for water mains, and coordinating with the City, its consultants, the County, and the general engineering contractor (GEC).