
  • Hays County, Texas


  • Hays County

Disciplines Provided

CobbFendley provided surveying services for the design and construction of new structures and improvements for 14 low-water crossings throughout Hays County. This project was in conjunction with the 2016 Hays County Road Bond for Low Water Crossing and Drainage improvements through the County Road system. Phase 1 consisted of schematic-level engineering, drainage analysis of each crossing, and surveying of all 14 identified crossings. CobbFendley researched right-of-way (ROW) and gathered maps and data relevant to these roads for the limits of the project sites. Abstracting and deed research was performed to obtain subdivision plat, adjoiners, and ROW deeds pertinent to each subject tract. We performed on-the-ground field surveys to recover property corners relevant to said ROWs for the subject tracts. Field information was depicted on each respective survey with potential easements required for any proposed expansion or additional ROW required to facilitate the modifications needed. The topographical field survey was performed to determine the existing elevations throughout the project site. In general, elevations were taken on a 50-foot grid pattern and included grade breaks, ditches, and flow lines. Surface utility locations, edge of pavement, centerline of pavements, pavement striping, traffic signs and signals, drainage structures, property line fences, and any permanent physical improvements within the project limits (limited to visible, above-ground features) were depicted in the survey. Depths of sanitary and storm manholes, pipeline sizes and directions, cross-sections of drainage/ creek areas, top of the bank, toe of the slope, edge of the water, and water flow line were also located.