Kissing Alley Improvements
- San Marcos, Texas
- City of San Marcos
CobbFendley provided the City of San Marcos with engineering services to improve a prominent, existing alley in downtown San Marcos. The aesthetics include art/mural installations along the existing business owner walls, the use of permeable pavers, and the integration of a green hardscape/landscape to improve the aesthetics of the alley to create a downtown centerpiece. The CobbFendley Team worked closely with the City and with impacted business owners along the alley to prepare and improve three visual concepts for the alley. CobbFendley held a public meeting with the City to collect feedback from San Marcos business owners in order to narrow down a concept. In the preliminary engineering phase, CobbFendley also provided a detailed drainage analysis using Atlas-14 data, rational method and Hydraflow Express, a preliminary relocation layout of approximately 1,400 linear feet of stormwater, 1,500 linear feet of wastewater, 500 linear feet of water, 1,600 linear feet of gas, the conversion of overhead electric and telecom to underground, including 1,000 linear feet of electric and telecom utilities, and pavement rehabilitation. CobbFendley also performed the schematic level overhead utility removal design and cost estimate, relocating SMEU and three separate telecommunication facilities within the project limits. Our team also provided structural analysis of the historical buildings along the alley where permeable pavers are proposed. CobbFendley provided design, cost estimation, and project manual preparation throughout the design phase.