
  • Converse, Texas


  • TxDOT San Antonio District

CobbFendley led the design and PS&E development of this urban arterial expansion and reconstruction project that converted a two-lane, open ditch section to a four-lane curb and gutter section, including additional ROW, two-way left turn lane, storm sewer, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, driveways, traffic signals, and relocating an at-grade UPRR railroad crossing. Along an intersecting roadway, FM 3502, the project included realignment to improve the tie-in with FM 1516. Along an adjacent roadway, FM 1976, the project included widening the existing roadway to provide turn lanes. An at-grade Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) crossing was installed with dual railroad gates, signage, and pavement markings/symbols.

This project included coordination and approval from multiple stakeholders, including UPRR railroad, City of Converse joint bid water and wastewater, nine utility owners with 60 conflicts requiring relocation, TxDOT environmental team for hazardous material waste management plan, VIA Metro for transit facilities along project, and Judson ISD (elementary and high schools within project limits).

This project was multi-modal (vehicles, pedestrians/bicycles, bus transit, and UPRR crossing) and included proposed dual sidewalks, dedicated on-road bike lanes, two-way left turn lane, traffic signals, and a new at-grade railroad crossing. The corridor included 43 driveways and 15 intersections in less than 1 mile. At all intersections we upgraded pedestrian features to include corner bulb outs, pedestrian curb ramps, median refuge, accessible pedestrian signals and pushbuttons.

The project included a mid-block crossing to connect City buildings and parking. To enhance pedestrian safety, we used solar powered flashing beacons and transverse rumble strips for advance warning to drivers.