Collins Road Pedestrian Facilities and Drainage Improvements
- Richmond, Texas
- City of Richmond, Texas
Disciplines Provided
CobbFendley prepared a preliminary engineering report (PER), conducted public outreach, performed final design, and bidding and construction administration services for the pedestrian facility and associated drainage improvements and roadway overlay off the Collins Road corridor from Preston Street to the George Park entrance gate located in north Richmond, Texas. We also provided traffic engineering and SWPPP services while overseeing geotechnical and material testing subconsultants.
The existing Collins Road is a two-lane asphalt roadway with roadside ditches extending from north of Preston to George Park, 1.65 miles in length. There are a total of 12 intersecting streets north of Preston within the project limits and none are signalized. There are also an excessive number of driveways accessing residential communities staggered along both sides of the roadway, and several roadside ditches conveying the Collins Road drainage area from west to east. The primary drainage outfall is Clay Street.
This project involved the design and construction of approximately 8,000 linear feet of an 8-foot wide concrete pedestrian facility and improving the drainage improvements with mitigation. CobbFendley developed three typical section alternatives for this facility during the PER phase that were introduced to the north Richmond residents and public at large in order to obtain the public consensus for a preferred alternative to move into the final design.