
  • Prosper, Texas


  • Town of Prosper

As part of the Coit Road widening project, CobbFendley prepared traffic signal design at the intersection of E. First Street and Coit Road in Prosper, Texas. The signal design was expedited and constructed prior to the widening project completion. The intersection design upgraded the existing multi-way stop control to a fully signalized intersection, complete with vehicle and pedestrian safety improvements. The design included mast arm configurations, pedestrian push buttons and countdown signals, pavement marking and striping, signs, video and radar vehicle detection, emergency pre-emption, communications, and intersection illumination. The design incorporated the Town of Prosper’s thoroughfare design standards, TMUTCD, and TxDOT standards and specifications. In addition to the signalization design, signal bid phase services and construction administration were provided, along with phased sequence of construction plans to mitigate traffic impacts along Coit Road while the widened roadway sections were being built.